Our India Business Advisory services are built around four main areas of doing business in India:
India Market entry strategy and research
The decisions around when, where and with who to enter the Indian markets will set the foundations of your future success. You can use our local knowledge to help you understand the competitive landscapes, conduct feasibility studies, assess opportunities and support familiarisation visits.
Setting up a company in India
Whatever your business strategy, you will need to set up a business or company in India. you will need to ensure that your venture is as efficient and effective as possible through efficient tax structures and repatriation of funds.
We will support you with the necessary steps such as forming and registering a legal entity, opening bank accounts, and assisting in tax registrations and incorporation compliances.
Compliance in India
Our experience supporting clients operating in India mean that we can support you to navigate the regulatory environment. Whether it is legal, tax or regulatory compliance, you should aim to set up the right framework from the start. We can help you with tax structuring, transfer pricing, import duty studies, Indian GAAP and your statutory audit.
Ongoing tax, audit, accountancy, payroll and Secretarial services
We will support ongoing requirements of regulatory and tax compliance, payroll and bookkeeping, company secretarial and audit services.
Personal Advisory Services
Advisory services for persons of Indian origin living in the UK around:
Divesting real estate and investments in India
Indian and UK tax implications under DTA on sale of real estate
Process of remittance of monies to the UK
Assistance in filing Indian income on UK tax returns